lorena sánchez DIRECTOR OF THE SEAT S.A. APPRENTICE SCHOOL People are the real protagonists. The conti-nuous specialisation training in the latest technologies, involving more than 1,100 hours, is designed to enable our appren-tices to adapt to the company’s needs in areas such as innovation, electrification and digitalisation. For this reason, the preparation with which apprentices complete the course from a digital perspective is growing stronger, as it is be-coming increasingly necessary. A lot of industrial communications, networks, assembly, robots and cells are being used. I think it is time to promote fe-male role models and to give more visibility to wo-men in technological fields, and this also involves changing the culture of the industry as something innovative and attractive.— lorena sánchez DIRECTOR OF THE SEAT S.A. APPRENTICE SCHOOL Constant innovation and digitalisation are two key aspects in all areas of our company. They correspond not only to the daily life of our current employees, but also to those who will join us in the future. Consequently, one of the great paradigms of our constant progress in the digital field involves the SEAT S.A. Apprentice School. With more than six decades of history, the training centre specialised in the automotive sector of our brands offers four professional advanced-level training cycles (CFGS), all based on the German dual training system. Each cycle consists of almost 5,000 hours of training spread over three years, with work experience at our SEAT Martorell, SEAT Barcelona and SEAT Components plants from the first year onwards. The academic content of the four training cycles is constantly updated with the company’s technological expertise. A notable innovation implemented in this course is a commitment to Power Apps, Power BI and Power Automate, digital tools that allow everything from the creation of applications to the generation of interactive visualisations, from data analysis to the creation of automated workflows. Another area that the SEAT S.A. Apprentice School has promoted this year is additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. The apprentices are even working on real projects requested by the factory, using a technology that is being extended to increasingly more specialities. In these cases, the students have to develop both the preliminary design and the manufacturing process, as well as maximising the efficiency and minimising the production time of the various elements produced using additive manufacturing. In addition to these new features, this is the first year that students completing the Automotive specialisation strand will also complete the IBN training. Carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Prototype & Preseries Manufacturing (PPM), it focuses mainly on learning about the specificities of the digital electrified networked vehicle. It should also be noted that our degrees are highly specialised, carried out in our facilities, based on our products and processes, and faithful to the values of our company. Another distinguishing feature is that “all those who complete the training are hired by SEAT S.A.”, according to the School’s director, Lorena Sánchez.— The Apprentice School is committed to training students in new digital tools and additive manufacturing, with a view to the company’s transformation towards electrification