People are the drivers of innovation. Being disruptive, challenging the status quo and thinking outside the box daily are the attitudes we find in organisations that nurture talent and take innovation seriously as a lever for success. This intrapreneurship model aims to create a platform for ideas and seek out new forms and opportunities for our business. This is the only way that we can inspire and dare to assume challenges such as the transforma-tion we are undertaking. Talent today does not want to be retained; it wants to be challenged, and this is the basis of this initiative. The 4th edition of The Big Pitch culminated months of work across all our areas, with a common goal in mind: to add value to our company while cre-ating a mindset that accelerates our ambition. See you at the 5th edition. Let’s continue to in-novate! — EUGENIA ALQUÉZAR EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT & INNOVATION MANAGER drive the tribe The result of a radical learning laboratory, in collabora-tion with TeamLabs, an international university with more than 3,500 entrepreneurial students, this proposal was presented to increase the loyalty of our current custom-ers. The idea is to adopt a new approach to loyalty pro-grammes by creating exit barriers to ensure that when our customers change cars, they make repeat purchases with our brand. The strategy to achieve this is based on creating a number of benefits, as Apple or Strava have done by creating their own ecosystems that generate greater social and emotional engagement with custom-ers. According to the proposal, the app would have three sections. The first, ‘For You’, would manage customer data such as location, usage frequency, vehicle occupancy and driving style to create a driver profile. The second section, ‘My Tribe’, would allow people to interact with other CUPRA users by creating communities, suggesting challenges and sharing information with them. Finally, the third section, ‘Rewards’, would collect the prizes won by purchasing spare parts and accessories or using official workshops, which could be redeemed when subscribing to new services or products. This co-creation model with TeamLabs aims to add the vision of outsiders, who are now more important than ever in order to come up with more disruptive ideas.